Selasa, 21 Oktober 2008

Buku Panduan Bahasa Indonesia dan Video Tutorial Software WinConnect

WinConnect (Buku Panduan Bahasa Indonesia)


1 CD

Untuk menghidari pihak BSA / Microsoft dalam penggunaan Operation System bajakan. Dapat di akalin dengan Software Winnconect.

1 CPU sever dengan Instalasi Windows XP Home Original, client menggunakan windows 98 / Linux akan meremote sever yang menggunakan OS winxp Original. Kecepata dan Instalasi di sever akan sama persis dengan komputer Clieant.  

Minimum Operation System : Windows XP Home.


WinConnect is a software solution that enables Linux-based terminals to connect to WinConnect Server XP, Windows® 2003 Server, Windows® 2000 Server, Windows® NT 4 Terminal Server or Windows XP Professional via Remote Display Protocol (RDP). 

Because most of the processing is done on the Windows servers, users can display the latest Windows® applications on computers that normally would not be powerful enough, making use of a 486 or an old Pentium computer. The connection can be over a local area network (LAN) or over the Internet.

Rp. 100.000,- 

Pemesanan :
Septa - 085745899434


Language Indonesian : WinConnect Hardware, TraubleShooting WinConnect

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